Rosh Hashanah 5785 תשפ"ה
17:40 Candle lighting
Mincha 17:50
Festive Maariv 18:15
( there will be service and dinner ata different venue details wil be sent privately)
Thursday 03/10/2024
9:00 a.m. Shiur coffee and
10:00 Festive Shachrit
11:30 ( approximately)Shofar blowing
14:00 Festive lunch
17:50 Mincha
18:45 Maariv of second night
Rosh Hashana second day :
Friday 04/10/2024
9:00 a.m. Shiur coffee and
10:00 Festive Shachrit
11:30 ( approximately)Shofar blowing
14:00 Festive lunch
17:00 Mincha
17:30 Tashlich at Rose Bay
Light Shabbat candles before 5:42
18:45 Kabalat Shabbat
Shabbat 05/10/2024
9:00 Shiur coffee and cake
10:00 Festive Shachrit
11:30 lunch
12:30 Mincha